The Latest From ¢ents Of Humour

My 2 Cents – May 2024


It has been a while since my last blog. I’ve been quite busy, especially at work.

I’m really intrigued that now that I’ve published a book and talk to people, they either also published a book or want to publish a book and just need a little bit of motivation. 

I recently attended an author talk with my friend Lily’s nephew, Waubgeshig Rice. He has written a few novels, and the last one was “Moon of the Turning Leaves” which is the sequel to “Moon over the Crusted Snow”.  The books share a storey of an Anishinaabe community going through a cataclysmic event in the first book and a journey back to their homeland in the second one. 

Waubgeshig talked about the development of his characters and looking back on the previous novel to make sure everything is in line.   Even though we may not share characteristics of our characters, it is good to know how they would react to certain situations.  Using the knowledge gained from DISC profiles at work, helps me with anticipating each characters’ reaction or how they will address certain situations.

I want to thank everyone who has given me pennies.  From the funds received, I make donations to worthy causes.  With the pennies, I create penny art.    Penny sorting takes time but is extremely therapeutic. 

I completed a piece after talking to the children at Schumacher Public School.  They had a pet snail named Gary, so I crafted it after him.  ($1.87)

DSB1 also put a blog on their website of my school visit to Schumacher Public School!  

Another art piece was that of a curling rock. ($1.32)  I tinted some of the pennies red for the handle. Curling season is over and unfortunately, our Canadian men lost the world gold to Sweden, but our Canadian ladies won! Tracy Fleury from Sudbury is on that team, and I had a chance to curl against her last year in the North Bay Summerspiel.  That was fun! 

I also completed a turtle with a nice slate shell and patinaed pennies ($1.14). Along with a copy of the book, it was a prize donation to the Ladies Bonspiel at the McIntyre Curling Club.  My good friend Rosanna won that.

I finished a cute piece for my anniversary (3 cents) and am working on a deer also using nickels and dimes.

I also went to WE Miller Public School a couple weeks ago to talk to a few classes.  I showed them the Dogecoin coin I got at the Coin Show, which they thought was awesome.  My sister Donna works there as an EA and her class is reading my book on Fridays.  How cool!

I just found out that the dog who inspired the meme coin recently died.  Kabosu was 18 years old.

In addition to the penny art, I made some Lucky Penny wildflower seed bombs with a lucky penny underneath.  I gave them away and hope that luck will come to those who plant them.

I have started collecting more by going roll hunting at our local banks. I’ve been able to find many cool Canadian coins that are worth more than face value.  On my birthday, I received a fifty-dollar bill with a single digit radar as the serial numbers FMY2222222 – that was pretty cool. The condition wasn’t all that great, but it is probably worth $100. I’m thinking of learning more about coins and money.  I will join the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association and take their correspondence course.  The course looks very interesting, and it will help me with stories of the Coin family in the world of currency.

I’ve joined the Coin Club in Timmins.  They had their Coin Show and silent auction a few weeks ago.  I donated 5 books (with pennies) that were drawn and given to give to some of the children who went to the show.   

I’ve come up with a synopsis of the second book called Cents of Humour – Dog Money.   It will be about Doge and his secret world of cryptocurrency.  Each chapter will have Doge or his cryptocurrency colleagues making connections with other currency and getting intel to use in order to one day take over the world of currency.   Hopefully I can get it completed by November which is Financial Literacy month.

I still need to bring my books to the bookstore and banks.  I’ve slowly been mentioning it to the schools, and some will be having me go in next school year.  I’m also going to make t-shirts and make some draws on Facebook.  The last draw was won by Dawn Butt Lortie.  She is married to my cousin Dave and their daughter Hayleigh also had twins, Harper and Hunter who I dedicated the book to.

Thanks for following me on Facebook and social media.

Cash you on the flip side!

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