The Book Launch for Cents of Humour – Cha-ching happened on Monday December 14th at 6:00pm at the Timmins Public Library. My cousin Francine set this up as she works there.

Although I did not have as many books as I wanted to have available (due to some shipping issues), I had enough soft cover books including those that were pre-sold.
There were over 6o people who attended and that was just right.
I prepared t-shirts and had my family wear them that night.

Tony – my husband Dave
LooAnny – me
Quartz – my sister Donna
Diamond – my son Mackenzie
Nico – my nephew Chase
Penny – My Auny Lyne
Jake and Blake Fake – Brent and Joey – my aunt Lyne’s twin sons
I had my nails done to match my book theme – thank you Kelly!

I also made some earrings from 2 –1969 pennies.
When people entered, they were asked to flip a coin and it was recorded. I heard that the probability of flipping one or the other, is very close to even. We didn’t get everyone so things might have swayed to tails. They also received a draw ticket.

I collected over 3,000 pennies at the launch to bring the penny total over 10,000! I will be donating 3 cents per penny to our local food bank.

There was also some food – oranges, strawberries, and chocolate coins and drink – water, ginger ale after the presentation.
Games and prizes
I had some games set up if people were waiting in line:
Pocket Change, Penny Wall and Penny Drop

I had prizes to give away as well. Some large chocolate Toonies and some 2024 Monty Saving Tips desk calendars.
I also gave away a signed copy of the book. Doge had been lost in the library and Karter Lachance was able to find him!

My power point presentation went off wonderfully.
I started with a Land Acknowledgement and also noted that it was the Anniversary of the Statute of West Minister.
I briefly talked about myself and how I collect pennies to make murals, pennies collected to date, information about each coin and the similarities between the characters and the coins, and the first lesson I learned about money thanks to my sister Julie. The video and theme song for the book was played. I then thanked everyone who helped me along this journey as well as those who were able to make it out.

Book Signing
During the signing, music was set up by my son of all money related songs.
I had a sign of how much the books were and where payment could be made if not cash. I also made sure I had proper change for those paying in cash.

I had some phrases already written in the books with colourful felt tip markers:
I hope you enjoy reading my two cents!
Enjoy the pocketful of change between the covers!
May the currency of joy and wit flow through these pages!
Wishing you a coin purse full of joy and wit from this book!
I added the person’s name, my signature and the date. This saved a lot of time.

People commented that it was an enjoyable evening. The only regret is not having more photos to show!